ОЖСБ (ВОУД) - 2012
30/03/2012, 18:57
1. Берілген әріптерден дұрыс құрылған сөзді көрсетіңіз. t, c, j, e, b, s, u A) jubsect. B) cubjest. C) tubjecs. D) sectjub. E) subject.
2. Сөздің дұрыс аудармасын таңдаңыз: Бақытсыз A) Imhappy. B) Unhappy. C) Rehappy. D) Happy. E) Inhappy.
3. Реттік сан есім: A) six B) fifty C) tenth D) million E) nine hundred
4. Дұрыс жауап таңдаңыз: Those do least who speak ... . A) most B) best C) better D) worst E) best of all
5. "An Umbrella” сөзінің көпше түрі: A) Umbrels B) Umbrellas C) Umbrellaes D) Umbrell E) Umbrelles
6. Қазақ тіліндегі аударманың дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз. Аулада ағаш көп. A) There are many trees in the yard B) There are no trees in the yard C) There were many trees in the yard D) Many trees were in the yard E) There many trees in yard
7. Дұрыс жауабын табыңыз Christmas is celebrated in GB on the… A) 25th of January B) 20th of December C) 1st of January D) 31st of December E) 25th of December
8. Берілген сөзге мағынасы қарама-қарсы сөзді көрсетіңіз. Lazy. A) to work. B) hostіle. C) kіnd-hearted. D) to rest. E) іndustrіous.
9. Сөздің аудармасын табыңыз:
Арқа сүйеу A) rely on B) believe C) care for D) share E) trust
10. Қажетті артикльдерді көрсетіңіз. Suddenly ... shout of ... joy came from ... lіps of a hundred soldіers.
A) -/-/the. B) the/-/a. C) a/-/-. D) a/-/the. E) a/the/-.
11. Дұрыс предлогты таңдаңыз: Tom is very proud … his father. A) of B) after C) by D) on E) at
12. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: … tells me anything. A) Nobody. B) Some. C) Every. D) None. E) Any.
13. Дұрыс нұсқаны таңдаңыз: Geese ____ farm animals. A) am B) were C) was D) are E) is
14. Етістіктің ыңғайлы вариантын таңдаңыз: They ... all the mіstakes by the tіme the lesson іs over. A) wіll be correct. B) wіll be correctіng. C) wіll have corrected. D) correct. E) wіll correct.
15. Дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз: Дөрекі A) dispolite B) polite C) unpolite D) inpolite E) rude
16. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: What is the nickname of London’s Underground? A) the Subway station B) the Tube C) subway D) road E) metro
17. Мақалды аяқтаңыз: A change of work... A) ... make long frіends. B) ... home іs best. C) ... than words. D) ... іs as good as a rest. E) ... must have an end.
18. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: My mother’s at work so my father ___ the lunch A) was going to eat B) are going to cook C) are going to make D) is going to cook E) was going to ask
19. Герундийді таңдаңыз: I’m fond of.... books. A) was reading B) reading C) am reading D) had been reading E) have been reading
20. Дұрыс жауап таңдаңыз: The Tower of London was founded in the 11th century by... . A) Benjamin Hall B) William the Conqueror C) William Jonson D) William Shakespeare E) Christopher Wren
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